CIUDAD DE MÉXICO.— La Secretaría de Movilidad (Semovi) exhortó a los capitalinos a usar cubrebocas en el transporte público, por lo que lanzó una serie de recomendaciones para su uso adecuado.
Entre las recomendaciones, la Semovi señaló que se deben lavar las manos antes de colocarse el cubrebocas y después de retirarlo; no tocar la tela con las manos sino de los elásticos; revisar cuál es el lado correcto para la colocación con costuras gruesas hacia adentro.
Asimismo, indicó, no utilizar los cubrebocas como diadema o collar; tampoco compartirlos, pues son de uso personal; no dejarlo sobre superficies sucias y, si es de solo un uso, desecharlo de manera responsable al destruirlo con tijeras, colocar los pedazos en una bolsa de plástico. Si es de tela, lavarlo diariamente.
Checa esta guía completa para que puedas utilizar correctamente tu tapabocas 😷
Recuerda: antes y después de utilizar algún medio de transporte de la Red #MICDMX, lávate las manos con agua y jabón o usa gel desinfectante 🤲🚿🧴#PrevenirEsProteger ⚕️
— Secretaría de Movilidad CDMX (@LaSEMOVI) April 13, 2020
La Semovi señaló que aunado a ello, se sigue exhortando a la ciudadanía a desinfectarse las manos antes de iniciar y después de concluir sus viajes en el transporte público con gel antibacterial (con alcohol al 70%) o lavándose las manos con agua y jabón.
Además, instó a evitar tocarse el rostro, los ojos, boca o nariz con las manos y al estornudar o toser, hacerlo en la parte interna del codo, aunque se use el tapabocas. Así como “realizar únicamente viajes indispensables” y quedarse en casa, además de seguir las instrucciones de la Secretaría de Salud
Recomendaciones para el uso correcto del cubrebocas. ⚕️😷#QuedateEnCasa #SalvaVidas
— Secretaría de Salud de la Ciudad de México (@SSaludCdMx) April 13, 2020
“La Red de Movilidad Integrada repartirá folletos con esta información en puntos estratégicos de los distintos organismos de transporte para facilitar que las personas usuarias accedan a dicha información y, así, eviten contagiar y contagiarse durante sus trayectos”, apuntó.
Te recomendamos:
Por Covid-19, Sheinbaum recomienda usar cubrebocas en el transporte público
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The road seemed to stretch on endlessly before us, but Alexis assured me that our journey was near an end. We’d turn before long into thick woods and travel through narrow, winding roads until we reached her family’s cabin. I had no choice but to trust her as GPS had given out nearly 20 minutes ago.
“There’s good wifi and okay reception at the cabin,” she’d told me, “but you can’t get there unless you know the way.”
So here I was, driving alone in the middle of god knows where with a girl who was my student just a couple of weeks ago. Her and her four best friends had been together from first grade all the way through high school and now they had graduated with very different futures ahead of them. They had decided to kick off “the best summer ever” with a week long stay at Alexis’s family cabin. Alexis and I were heading up before everyone else, the four other girls and four guys.
The road seemed to stretch on endlessly before us, but Alexis assured me that our journey was near an end. We’d turn before long into thick woods and travel through narrow, winding roads until we reached her family’s cabin. I had no choice but to trust her as GPS had given out nearly 20 minutes ago.
“There’s good wifi and okay reception at the cabin,” she’d told me, “but you can’t get there unless you know the way.”
So here I was, driving alone in the middle of god knows where with a girl who was my student just a couple of weeks ago. Her and her four best friends had been together from first grade all the way through high school and now they had graduated with very different futures ahead of them. They had decided to kick off “the best summer ever” with a week long stay at Alexis’s family cabin. Alexis and I were heading up before everyone else, the four other girls and four guys.
The road seemed to stretch on endlessly before us, but Alexis assured me that our journey was near an end. We’d turn before long into thick woods and travel through narrow, winding roads until we reached her family’s cabin. I had no choice but to trust her as GPS had given out nearly 20 minutes ago.
“There’s good wifi and okay reception at the cabin,” she’d told me, “but you can’t get there unless you know the way.”
So here I was, driving alone in the middle of god knows where with a girl who was my student just a couple of weeks ago. Her and her four best friends had been together from first grade all the way through high school and now they had graduated with very different futures ahead of them. They had decided to kick off “the best summer ever” with a week long stay at Alexis’s family cabin. Alexis and I were heading up before everyone else, the four other girls and four guys.